Our 2nd and 7th graders enjoy mass at the Pastoral Center during Catholic Schools Week!
Congratulations Saint Ann Forensics who placed 2nd at the St. Cecilia Tournament!
Patton will be competing in the Middle School swim Championships Saturday, January 25th at Centennial Sportsplex. He has chosen to swim 500 free and 100 fly. Best of luck!
Congratulations to our Eagles who competed in a Forensics Tournament at Christ the King:
8th grader, Jorge, played on SBAs soccer team this year and they won the Diocese Soccer League Championship.
Congratulations on an undefeated 23-24 season!
Our Forensics Team placed 1st in the Championship Tournament!
Congratulations to the entire team and individual results:
Congratulations to the following Eagles:
Congratulations to one of the newest members of the 100 club in Forensics, Charlie!
Our Forensics Team earned 1st place in the St. Bernard tournament. Go Eagles! Congrats to:
Congratulations to Patton for placing in the middle school Championship swim meet. We are proud of you!
Congratualtions to our Eagles for placing 3rd in the tournament.
Students in 1st - 4th grade have enjoyed a skating unit during PE this month, which inspired an all school skate night.
Thanks to all who joined!
Last Sunday students were part of the group that performed the Aztec Dance for our Lady of Guadalupe, after months of practice! Way to go Heyli Ruiz Arroyo, Vicky Aguilar Torres, Miley Ruiz Diaz and Gabi Garcia Martin.
Students participated at a tournament this weekend at Ensworth Middle School. Our team built a robot and had three table runs to complete their mission. Points were earned each round and our Eagles did a fantastic job!
Congratulations to our Eagles:
Thank you for donating crackers and spices to our food drive prior to Thanksgiving. Our Ladies of Charity and The Store appreciate your support! Congratulations to 6th grade for bringing in the most items.
Saint Ann Forensics placed 1st at the Hall of Fame Tournament. Way to go, Eagles! A special shout out to the following students:
Here are the results from the St. Joseph 7th and 8th grade tournament:
Congratulations to our spellers who participated in the schoolwide Spelling Bee!
Congratulations to our Eagles on a successful Cross Country season. This weekend we had a handful of celebrations at the Chamionship meet:
Junior Girl Scouts camping trip with archery, knife skills, orienteering and campfire cooking.
Congratulations to our Eagles!
Congratulations to our Eagles!