MyCatholicDoctor: Providing a range of telehealth services, including natural family planning. (Available in English or Spanish)
St. Paul VI Institute: Specializing in FertilityCare and NaPro Technology, the St. Pope Paul VI Institute assists women in addressing a variety of reproductive care issues.
Natural Womanhood: Learn how to work with your body and discover which NFP method may be best for you. (Available in English and Spanish)
FACTS About Fertility: A group of physicians, healthcare professionals and educators working together to provide information about natural or fertility-based methods of family planning with the medical community.
FEMM: An app helping women track hormonal cycles - includes group classes, one-on-one support, and telehealth services.
ChartNeo: An app that assists in charting, including help from an instructor if desired.
USCCB: Natural Family Planning Resources page.
Natural Family Planning (NFP) is the general title for the scientific, natural, and moral methods of family planning that can help married couples either achieve or postpone pregnancy.
Since the methods of NFP respect the love-giving (unitive) and life-giving (procreative) nature of the conjugal act, they support God's design for married love!
There are many quality options for learning about NFP both in person and online. Below are the many options available to you.
Creighton Model: Melissa Looby: [email protected]
Creighton Model FertilityCare: Kiki Bertasi of St. John Paul II FertilityCare: [email protected]
Marquette Method: Paula Romanoski of Vitae Fertility: [email protected]
ChartNeo: Stephanie Martin specializing in perimenopausal support, endometriosis, and infertility: [email protected]
Fiat Integrative Health: Providing family healthcare, including women's health and fertility awareness-based methods locally in Franklin, TN.
Catholic Women and Couples NFP: Free one-on-one Billings Ovulation Method training (available in English or Spanish).
BOMA-USA: One-on-one instruction in the Billings Ovulation Method.
LearnNFPOnline: On-demand Billings Ovulation Method NFP course provided through The Marriage Group (available in English or Spanish).
Couple to Couple League International: Live online or self-paced classes on the Sympto-Thermal Method (available in English or Spanish).
SymptoPro Fertility Education: On-demand and live online classes on the Sympto-Thermal Method.
Insight Fertility: Live online classes on the FertilityCare System.
Simply NFP: One-on-one instruction on the Marquette Method.
Whole Mission: Individual or group classes on the Marquette Method.
Vitae Fertility: One-on-one instruction on the Marquette Method.
Femme Fertility: One-on-one instruction on the Marquette Method.
Gift of Your Fertility: Group and private instruction on the Marquette Method.
You, Me, and NFP: Private instruction on the Marquette Method.
More Marquette Method Instructors: Visit this page and click on map locations to see if instructors conduct distance learning.